
Family visit to the Henry Ford

At the Henry Ford, they have this really cool exhibit that allows you to "work on the assembly line", and Joseph COMPLETELY got into it.

And even better...they have a new "interactive" display where you can BECOME the hot dog in a life size hot dog bun, complete with fixing's! This is right by the Weinermobile, so it makes sense. Joseph thought it was hilarious! I thought it was rather claustrophobic.

The boys also went through the With Liberty and Justice for All exhibit, and I took my time looking at some of the displays. Breathtaking. And heartbreaking. Wow. I was really moved by some of the artifacts. Stupid hormones!!! :) Big Joe and I keep saying how we need to go there without the Little guy, so we can take the time and really read the displays, and take everything in. They have a huge part of the With Liberty and Justice for All exhibit dedicated to the Declaration of Independance, and the difficulties that we had as a new nation back then.
It's weird; the older I get, the more fascinated I become with history. Where was this fascination when I had to memorize the dates of major European battles for a grade??

1 comment:

Heather said...

I need to get to The Henry Ford immediately. I have always wanted to be a human hot dog LOL. Awesome. That is really neat that little Joe loves the Henry Ford so much. I hope Emily is that way too :)